Room 9 - Later Le - Mac - Later Le restoration dynasties (1428 - 1788)

After Hồ Quý Ly overthrew the Trần Dynasty and failed in the resistance against the Ming aggressors (1407), Đại Việt fell in the dominating yoke of Chinese feudal. However, the power of Đại Việt was proved by a lot of revolts against the aggressors, among them was the Lam Sơn insurrection (1418 – 1427) by the leadership of Lê Lợi, it became the standard bearing one, defeated the Ming aggressors, achieved the national sovereignty.

In 1428, Lê Lợi formed the Lê Dynasty and rebuilt the country. Under the Lê Dynasty, the breaking fresh ground and the founding agricultural settlement were pushed up, many policies of economy and society were promulgated; education, literature, arts were enhanced … The civilization of Đại Việt entered a new step of development.

In 1527, Mạc Đăng Dung usurped the throne of the Lê Dynasty, the Đại Việt monarchy (got into) the all-sided crisis: The Nguyễn then the Trịnh recovered the Lê Dynasty and provoked a civil war of Lê – Mạc (1527-1592), Trịnh Nguyễn (1627 – 1672) divided the country. Everywhere, peasants rose up against the oppression of monarchy system.

In this time, Đại Việt people finished the breaking fresh ground in the South of our country and got into touch with the West. National language – Vietnamese language has appeared.


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